Following on with our top six wellness trends, trend number 4 discusses the benefits of the health coaching industry and its role in the future.

Caring for your mental wellness through therapy and coaching will be as mainstream and accessible as seeing your primary care physician.
The health coaching industry has grown rapidly over the past few years, especially within the traditional healthcare sector. Parsley Health, One Medical, Cleveland Clinic, and Eleven Eleven Wellness Center are all primary care and medical organisations that employ Health Coaches to work with patients as part of their care models, demonstrating the value of health coaching in improving health outcomes.
As the desire to manage both physical and mental health grows, so too does the acceptance of practices like therapy, counselling, and coaching. The pandemic accelerated the adoption of telehealth and virtual care in all sectors, especially therapy, breaking down stigmas and making it more accessible for everyone. In the United Nations Chronicle, psychologist Michele Nealon, PsyD, shares: “The pandemic accelerated longtime efforts in the professional mental health and physical healthcare communities to destigmatise mental health issues and normalise the search for help for these kinds of problems. There is no health without mental health, and we must address physical and mental wellness in equal measure.”
For Gen Z, this increased acceptance of and accessibility to mental health services has made them even more likely to seek out those services because “asking for help for mental health is viewed as a strength rather than a weakness, the same as going to the doctor for a broken bone would be seen as a smart thing to do.”
This shift in dynamic is sure to continue shaping the mental and emotional wellness scene, including working with a Health Coach for support in all aspects of life, from a healthier diet to healthier relationships.
Discuss with your healthcare practitioner, which health coaches are available in your area.