With a new year and decade brings new hopes and desires to improve our health. We seem to want to lose weight, improve our fitness levels, change our look & even relook our personal & business goals and aspirations.

Personally I am one of those that sweeps clean and starts off with great gusto on new projects and have found that without proper thought & planning – I seem to lose sight of the very goal I set out to achieve in a very short space of time due to being unfocused – probably a little ADD which in itself would probably require Mentat – Jokes aside, I do know for myself that if my nutrition is good and my exercise regime is regular I can accomplish so much more. Without the planning and structure so necessary to achieve the desired outcomes, I invariably fail to accomplish all I set out to do.

“My Goal for 2020 is to be able to offer you the very best INTEGRATED MEDICAL Advise and support you on your own 2020 journey with Ease and comfort”.
When it comes to your health issues -whatever they might be weight, fitness, family or business our focus is often on the quick fix and driven by instant gratification. In health and lifestyle changes there are no quick fixes, it all takes time, focus and commitment. I too often see patients in my daily consultations that want to “fix” a specific problem and want the answer & result right now. I say” it took you years / how long to get to this stage/state of health and how long do you think it will take to unravel it.?

This is where I take the time to screen & evaluate my patients current status, lifestyle – and assist in unpacking the toolbox we all have within us and remind every patient that these are all achievable with some guidance, perseverance and dedication. I pride in providing an integrated approach working with the patient to achieve their personal health goals.
Patients’ may consult regarding their joint pain or arthritis, headaches, digestive issues, Anxiety, ADDHD etc.. when we look closer we see that the presenting “pain” or discomfort may very well be a result of a very basic underlying health issue based on lifestyle choices and a cascade of body information is then highlighted – for example:

Patient X comes looking for advice for Arthritic Pain. This pain can be exacerbated by being Overweight and Sedentary, which in turn could be made worst by Depression and Anxiety, which can further affect your Lifestyle choices, diet, food intolerances, poor gastric absorption and possible unresolved underlying Emotional or Psychological issues.
So often when we look for a quick fix to the presenting physical problem and consult a healthcare practitioner who is a “specialist” for the presenting ailment who treats that area of focus and often does not take the time to “unpack” what may be the underlying cause/s that have created the physical symptom. Because much of our conventional health care system is still geared to address these issues via different health professionals, in different settings, at different appointments, it’s no surprise that patients often seek easier answers. As an Integrative Nurse Practitioner, I am able to provide a holistic overview with sound conventional medical background and use of nutritional and natural supplementation to assist you in achieving your health goals.
To achieve those New Year’s health goals there are 2 fundamentals that need to be highlighted:
1. Clear, accessible information on evidence-based approaches to health.
This allows you to differentiate between fact and marketing hype. Balanced Healing – Sr Bridget Spargo, can set the stage for sustained health and well-being, by better managing issues like diet, sleep, and stress
2. A shift in mindset
Instead of seeking separate, disconnected solutions to treating various ailments you need to recognise that many health problems may be connected. While our general approach to health care tends to zoom in on specific diseases or even individual body parts, research continues to tell us that assessing the big picture can be important to set the stage for sustained whole-person health and well-being.
I will be continuing to educate you through various articles / Blogs and useful information during the year. These are all accessible via the Web site www.balancedhealing.co.za & on the “balanced healing” FaceBook page.
MY wish for you is to gain a better understanding of the interrelationship of factors that make up your health, and I hope you’ll stay up-to-date with new findings and future directions with our blog articles and start your new year by making an investment in your health with a personalised consultation & Wellness screening to assist you on your journey to health & happiness in 2020.
A Healthy Happy New Year to all.
Here is My January Promotional Offer
Book a wellness screening appointment to provide you with insight on what to focus on in 2020 to achieve your own personal health goals and receive a 20% discount on presentation of this voucher below. Click on the link to download the voucher. This is valid until 29 February 2020.
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