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Balanced Bites For Respiratory Health

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As the winter is in full swing, we are all more vulnerable to upper respiratory infections. This week we discuss Respiratory Health and natural treatment options.

What is the Respiratory System?

The respiratory system is the organs and other parts of your body involved in breathing, when you exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Anatomy Of The Respiratory System

Your respiratory system consists of the following parts:

Nose and nasal cavity

  • Nose and nasal cavity
  • Sinuses
  • Mouth
  • Throat (pharynx)
  • Voice box (larynx)
  • Windpipe (trachea)
  • Diaphragm
  • Lungs
  • Brochial tubes (Bronchi)
  • Bronchioles
  • Air sacs (alveoli)
  • Capillaries
respiratory image

How We Breathe?

Breathing starts when you inhale air into your nose or mouth. It travels down the back of your throat and into your windpipe, which is divided into air passages called bronchial tubes.

For your lungs to perform their best, these airways need to be open.  They should be free from inflammation or swelling and extra mucus.

How Does the Respiratory System Clean the Air?

Your respiratory system has built-in methods to keep harmful things in the air from entering your lungs.

Hairs in your nose help filter out large particles. Tiny hairs, called cilia, along your air passages move in a sweeping motion to keep the passages clean. But if you breathe in harmful things like cigarette smoke, the cilia can stop working. This can lead to health problems like bronchitis.

Respiratory System Diseases

Common diseases of the respiratory system include:


Your airways narrow and make too much mucus.


Inflammation and infection make your bronchial walls thicker.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). 

This long-term condition gets worse over time. It includes bronchitis and emphysema.


An infection causes inflammation in your alveoli. They might fill up with fluid or pus.


A bacterium causes this dangerous infection. It usually affects your lungs but might also involve your kidney, spine, or brain.

Your airways narrow and make too much mucus.

Lung cancer 

Cells in your lung change and grow into a tumor. This often happens because of smoking or other chemicals you’ve breathed in.

Inflammation and infection make your bronchial walls thicker.

Cystic fibrosis 

This disease is caused by a problem in your genes and gets worse over time. It causes lung infections that don’t go away.


Pleural effusion 

Too much fluid builds up between the tissues that line your lungs and chest.


Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis 

Your lung tissue becomes scarred and can’t work the way it should.


Tiny clumps of inflammatory cells called granulomas form, often in your lungs and lymph nodes.

For Ultimate Balanced Respiratory Health

Balanced Healing  can provide you with a personalised lifestyle plan to assist with your optimum Respiratory health.

If you require more information or assistance with your respiratory health.

Contact Sr Bridget Spargo @ 083 653 7470 or Email: to book an appointment.


Website:, WebMD Medical Reference,November 15, 2019

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