With spring in the air, it is time for rebirth, renewal & perhaps reproduction. With that in mind this week we will discuss the female hormone system followed by the male hormone system next week.
The Female Hormone System
The endocrine system is the collection of glands that produce hormones that regulate metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, sexual function, reproduction, sleep, and mood, among other things.
The word endocrine derives from the Greek words “endo,” meaning within, and “crinis,” meaning to secrete. A gland selects and removes materials from the blood, processes them and secretes the finished chemical product for use somewhere in the body.
The endocrine system affects almost every organ and cell in the body.
Although the hormones circulate throughout the body, each type of hormone is targeted toward certain organs and tissues.
The Female Hormone System Anatomy
The Female Hormone system consists of:
Pituitary gland
Thyroid gland
Parathyroid glands
Adrenal glands
Ovaries (in females)
How the Female Hormone System Works
Female Hormone System Disorders/Diseases
Hormone levels that are too high or too low indicate a problem with the endocrine system. Hormone diseases also occur if your body does not respond to hormones in the appropriate ways.
Stress, infection and changes in the blood’s fluid and electrolyte balance can also influence hormone levels.
Hormone imbalances can have a significant impact on the reproductive system, particularly in women.
This is a parathyroid disease, occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone to meet the body’s needs.Insufficient thyroid hormone can cause many of the body’s functions to slow or shut down completely.
Thyroid Cancer
Thyroid cancer begins in the thyroid gland and starts when the cells in the thyroid begin to change, grow uncontrollably and eventually form a tumour, Tumours — both benign and cancerous — can also disrupt the functions of the endocrine system.
Perimenopause refers to the several years (duration varies greatly) before and the 1 year after the last menses. It is typically the most symptomatic phase because hormones are fluctuating.
Thyroid Cancer
Menopause is physiologic or iatrogenic cessation of menses (amenorrhea) due to decreased ovarian function. Manifestations may include:
Hot flushes
Night sweats
Sleep disruption
Genitourinary syndrome
of menopause including:
vulvovaginal atrophy
Urinary urgency
Frequent urinary tract infections
Balanced Bites For HER Hormone Health
Menopause is a normal, healthy phase in a woman’s life, but each woman has a unique experience.
Quality of life may decrease if symptoms are severe or if less common symptoms of menopause, such as joint aches and pains, develop.
For some women (eg, those with a history of endometriosis, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, premenstrual syndrome, or menstrual migraine), quality of life improves after menopause.
If you suspect you may have any of the above disorders or conditions.Contact your local Healthcare Practitioner.
Balanced Healing can assist you with a personalised lifestyle plan to optimise your Female Hormone Health.
If you require any more information or treatment of your Female Hormone System.
Contact Sr Bridget Spargo @ 083 653 7470 or Email: b@balancedhealing.co.za to book an appointment.
Website: https://www.livescience.com/26496-endocrine-system.html
Website: https://www.msdmanuals.com/professional/gynecology-and-obstetrics/menopause/
Website: The Endocrine System and Hormones | Merck Manual Consumer Version